Jul 11, 2023Liked by S. Jae-Jones

I use Facebook Lists regularly. I have Public posts, Friends-Only posts... And there's the Exclude function where you can show posts to all of your Friends EXCEPT people on particular lists. That's where I Exclude Family/Familyish - so I put my most personal stuff there.

It would take a lot of set up - trying to organise everyone you follow into lists. But once you've done that it makes posting so much easier. So for me, it kind of is like LiveJournal.

You didn't mention Facebook in this post, so if you haven't written off the site completely, it might be worth a try. Yes, Facebook is evil, but they still do this function better than Twitter or Instagram.

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I don't use Facebook very much! I'm aware of its functions, which is actually fairly similar to Instagram, only Instagram (still!) lacks a lot of the customizability. If I'm honest, I'm still very much a millennial in that Instagram will probably forever be THEE It platform for me.

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